Helen Thomson - One Girl, Seven Looks Kollektion

Die neue One Girl, Seven Looks Kollektion von Helen Thomson

This creative person sees a world of possibilities and anticipates how splendid ideas can be made a reality. As a child Helen had an "Alice" in wonderland fascination and "Matilda" intuition; those intrinsic qualities haven't changed…

These examples showcase designs that reveal insight and skills. Adding to the substantial experience she has; Helen's creativity has been amplified in the collaborative groups with other creatives such as Stylists, Models, Photographers and Writers and the results speak for themselves.

Helen's repertoire of Designer looks are proposed skilfully with the personality, purpose and the lifestyle of the client in mind. From catwalk style full of attitude...building to extravaganza creations; the world is your oyster!!!

Similarly wonderful in looks for other personalities are the classic styles; something to lift your spirits "ready to wear" at home or office. A soft Avant Garde sexiness is a specialty… be with a hair stylist that gets your drift!

Who do you want to be today?

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